query failed, Table 'nwproject5_ringow.preload_images' doesn't exist::SQL Query: /*qc=on*/ select * from preload_images where pagina=652
The easiest way to increase sales, signup and purchase conversions by displaying recent orders and users on your website. Build credibility to visitors, save on their acquisition because the cost of marketing will decrease since your potential customers will become real registrations...
With just 1 line of code!
Customize your widget according to your needs.
Edit and personalize data such as: {name}, {company} and {} the location automatically of your visitor.
Simply put the url of your website to convert, we take care of the rest.
Automatically collect impressions, clicks, customers, engaged visitors, and much more.
Shows the number of people who have purchased your product or service on your site.
Shows the number of people who are currently on your website.
Increase the trust of your customers with the activity of real people who have recently interacted with your site.